Thursday, September 02, 2010

Odd Mechanic

So I was trying to come up with a table free version of the old TSR Marvel Superheroes RPG, the one which used the color coded universal table.
I didn't come up with one but while I was playing around with ideas I did come up with a strange mechanic, I'd like to hear some feedback on.

The basic idea is 1d100+stat vs vs difficulty number (50 is standard) and one must meet or exceed it. On its face it seems simple. However stats can be -30 to +30 with 0 as average and in increments of 10, and this only determines success or failure.
The ones die determines success magnitude/grades of success. So if you roll 72 vs 50 you succeed and get 2 grades of success. If you get 79 that's 9 grades. Skill push grades of success up. So
if someone has a stat of 20 and a skill of 5, they only have to roll a 30 for an average test, and get at least 5 grades on every successful roll.


Matthew Slepin said...

Man, I gotta think about this. It's...aesthetically first sight. That is, it's hard for me to parse. Hmn.

clash bowley said...

It's certainly odd, Tim. What does it gain you that other mechanics don't supply?


Matthew Slepin said...

Thought about last night. In essence, this isn’t really a percentile roll. It’s a D10 roll, with a second die to determine degree of success. That second die could be of any type - D6, D12, whatever - depending upon how many degrees of success you want. At first I was thinking that the range of stats mirrored the modifiers from B/X D&D, except that since this is a D10 and not D20, they are effectively doubled.

So, if we translated it to a D20, you have a system where stats range from -6 to +6 and the average TN is a 10. Kind of like Talislanta. Except that you roll a second die to determine degree of success. Actually, it’s basically rolling a D10 to hit and a D10 for damage, but throwing them at the same time.

Looking at it that way, it seems more funky than it’s worth. I like to have a die mechanic that I can easily grasp what’s going on and the faux-percentile thing throws me off. But it made me think of something. If the TN was not always a multiple of 10, then you would be encoding not only how hard it is to get 1 success (the ten’s digit), but how many degrees of success are needed as well (the one’s digit). Thus, a TN of 65 means that you have to get at least 5 degrees of success to get anywhere.

But does that gain us anything? I don’t know. Maybe it could do something like ORE. Instead of degree of success, the one’s digit is speed or something. Hmn. Maybe not.

Ursaleo said...

It hurts my brain almost as much as the card version of Marvel. Just not in so many color combinations.

Silverlion said...

The fact is I'm trying to get something that works not to dissimilar from Talislanta, but doesn't need the chart. Or Marvel but doesn't need the chart.

I was somewhat inspired by the 11+ single roll Matthew came up with for Spellcraft & Swordplay, but I'm not sure where to go with it.

My aim is to get the degree of success that can be easily read and quickly without much math. (Such as roll 10 and every 5 is a +1 grade, or something.)

I'm just pretty stuck on Derelict Delvers. I'm not entirely grasping at straws either. It has a purpose.

I'm just not sure how to get from the idea of a tribute game like Mazes and Minotaurs, to the Space Pulp game I see in my head mechanically speaking.

Matthew Slepin said...

Gee, now I feel responsible and all. :)

What if the roll (on whatever dice) is modified up by skills or whatever and down by difficulty and any postive result is the degree of sucess?

So, I'm just making this up as I type:

Roll 1D10 + your skill - your opponent's skill or TN. A remainder of 1 is 1 degree of success or 1 hit point; a remainder of 2 is 2, and so on.

Matthew Slepin said...

OK, I posted that when too tired. It would work better as a d6-d6 or Fudge Dice (something where the mean die result is 0).

Alternately, thinking of my D&D idea, maybe a d10 where a result of 11 is 1 success and so on.

A question that occurs to me is how many degrees of success do you want? Marvel only had a few and that makes me think of the cleverest percentile mechanic I ever saw.

Regular roll-under. But, if you succeed and get a multiple of 5, you get a superior success; if you succeed and get a double result (11, 22, 33), you get a critical success. Flip those results if you fail.

This gives you three degrees of success and three degrees of failure.

Matthew Slepin said...

Clearly, I have dazzled everyone with my brillance.

Silverlion said...

I'm just contemplating. (I'm also sick so :/)

I like the idea of roll high 11+ gives degree of success.

If I do it 2d10+Stat+Skill+Gear beat X (with opposing Stat+Skill+Gear modifying that it might work.)

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